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Vice Chancellor’s Message

Prof. Lingaraja Gandhi,
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of Bengaluru City University
"We are craftsmen of knowledge; we craft the best and impart the beneficial."
Carved out of parent Bangalore University in the year 2017-2018, Bengaluru City (Central, earlier) University (BCU), Karnataka, India is a State Public Affiliating University. The University is strategically located at the historic Central College Campus on 43 acres of land, in the heart of Bengaluru City. The University inherits a rich historic legacy from mid-nineteenth century with the establishment of Bangalore High School with five student’s way back in 1858.
Central College was the principal constituent college for three premier education institutions, the University of Madras (Estd.1857), the University of Mysore (Estd.1916) and Bangalore University (Estd.1964). The intellectual and educationists legacy includes among others, the First Principal Rev. J. Garrett, Mr. B.L. Rice, Charles Walters, H. J. Bhabha, John Cook, John Guthrie Tait, E.P. Metcalfe and C.R. Narayana Rao among others. Sir M. Visvesvaraya, Sri C. Rajagopalachari and Sir. M. Mirza Ismail, Bharatha Ratna Scientist CNR Rao, Seer Shivakumara Swamiji and Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah are among the most illustrious alumni of the Central College. Sir. C. V. Raman, made the public disclosure of his Nobel Prize winning discovery - “Raman Effect” in the year 1928 within the portals of Central College. Central College also emerged as a premier centre of literary activities, scientific research and sporting facilities. Doyens of modern Kannada literature B.M. Srikantaiah, T. S. Venkannaiah, A. R. Krishna Shastri, and briefly, the poet-laureate ‘Kuvempu’ taught at Central College and were responsible for the promotion of Kannada literary activities.
In tune with the aspirational goals of NEP-2020, the University has introduced four Year Multidisciplinary Undergraduate programs with multiple entry – exit options on campus from the year 2021-22. Thus the Honours degree courses are being re-introduced at Central College. As per NEP – 2020 the University has also established a Multidisciplinary Constituent college for women at Malleshwaram. The Central college heritage buildings are now being restored to its glory. The historic Science Laboratories have also been renovated and measures have been taken to digitalize the century old library. A new academic block and state-of-the-art sports infrastructure on campus is getting ready will be made available for use from the Academic year 2023-24. The young University has clear plans for establishment Centre of excellence in Sports science, Yoga, Life sciences, Commerce & Management, Physical Sciences & Computer Science. A good number of regional, national & International collaborations with Universities and Industries have been established in order to cater to the educational aspirations of new young generation. The Administrative, Academic & Examination functions of the University have been automated and e-governance has been introduced.
While serving the triple objectives of the University—to create knowledge, impart knowledge, and disseminate knowledge—it has been the mission of BCU to engage in teaching, research and extension activities that are designed to address the nagging problems of the city & the society through collaborations & partnerships with other Institutions, Industries, Service and business and community organizations.